Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Master Erasmus Mundus

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  • 5.0 /5


  • In Barcelona

Reviews on Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Master Erasmus Mundus (1)

5.0 /5


Centre rating


MUNDUS URBANO - Master of Science in International Cooperation and Urban Development

Connor Cox

What I would highlight: I grew up in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan region in Minnesota, USA. I attended Arizona State University and studied Sustainability with an emphasis on architecture and urban development. In 2010, I began working for a green building consultancy in Phoenix, Arizona that specializes in project management of LEED certified buildings. I plan to focus my future research on transit-oriented development and hope to begin a career in transit planning. The Mundus Urbano program provides me with a unique opportunity to learn about urban development in an international and interdisciplinary context.
What could be improved: I liked everything
Course taken: September 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes
*All reviews collected by Emagister & iAgora have been verified

More information


The International University of Catalunya in Barcelona (UIC) is a private university established in 1997. The student population counts over 3,000, and set into relation with its 330 professors, the university achieves an excellent lecturer/student ratio. The international approach adopted at UIC is fundamental and 12% of students come from overseas.

Since the creation of UIC, its School of Architecture is shaping instruction towards innovative professional practice with the main priority of providing architects with international training, giving them a good working knowledge of new technologies, and encouraging them to be clear thinkers who are enterprising and capable of meeting the future demands of the market.

UIC offers the Master of International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture, which is a unique degree that prepares architects to develop and rebuild communities affected by poverty, conflict and natural disasters. This course may be opted for the second year of the Mundus Urbano Programme.

This UIC master programme aims to establish strategies and criteria for taking action in the areas of urban planning, neighborhood development and implementing architectural projects; while bearing in mind energy efficient systems and sustainability criteria in all areas related to materiality and local cultures. Further, the programme will train experts to provide solutions to large-scale problems generated by massive and sudden change, professionals who can study and conduct research on materials, city planning, economics, environmental and social aspects, all based on principles of sustainability.

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Master Erasmus Mundus