4D Human Being

  • In London

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Creativity, Innovation, Communication and Engagement -Training and Coaching.

4Dimensional Human Being is a fully integrated coaching and training programme designed to engage and maximize the potential of the people in your organisation.

The route to employee engagement is in communication idea sharing- involving everyone within an organisation in building the future. For us this means helping everybody to understand they have the ability to create, communicate and innovate.

Combining individual coaching with experiential group training in creativity and communication skills, 4D brings engagement and innovation as a way of being rather than just a way of doing.

That could start with engaging your people in our 59 minute ‘Integral Innovation’ session.

Through unique and Integral training and coaching solutions and drawing on the leading edge development model of Spiral Dynamics Integral*, 4D can help your organisation develop each of these aspects within your organisation. Each bespoke programme will combine and weight various modules to meet your specific needs.

4D Human Being