Advanced Feature Writing


In London

£ 680 + VAT


  • Type


  • Location


  • Duration

    2 Days

Suitable for: Those who have been writing features for at least two years.



Start date

See map
The Pma Centre For Media Excellence, 7a Bayham Street, Mornington Crescent,, NW1 0EY

Start date

On request

About this course

An edition of your publication and an unedited example of a feature you have written. Delegates should also come to the course with a feature idea and a copy of the publication that it would appear in.

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Course programme

Course content:

For those who have been writing features for at least two years. This is a split workshop so that delegates can plan a feature, reconvening on the second day with the completed article to have it assessed. The final day includes a detailed analysis of each delegate's writing style. Includes:

- A look at differing narrative forms
- The overriding importance of structure
- Analysing where features have gone wrong
- The power of language for emotion or effect
- An outline of advanced interviewing and investigation methods
- The need for stories to have a beginning, a middle and an end, with emphasis on intros
- Troubleshooting
- Coaching junior feature writers

Not for: Junior feature writers

Advanced Feature Writing

£ 680 + VAT