
Short course

In Brighton

£ 1,600 + VAT


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location


  • Duration

    1 Day

This one-day workshop will introduce attendees to one of the newest and hippest technologies on the web. Through a series of lectures and practical examples you will learn the power of the XMLHttpRequest object, and how it can be used to add advanced interactivity to your website through the principle of progressive enhancement. Suitable for: This course is a perfect for intermediate developers with a good understanding of CSS and XHTML, and a basic grasp of JavaScript and the DOM.



Start date

Brighton (East Sussex)
See map
Suite 3, 28 Kensington Street, BN1 4AJ

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Ajax training course
This one-day workshop will introduce attendees to one of the newest and hippest technologies on the web. Through a series of lectures and practical examples you will learn the power of the XMLHttpRequest object, and how it can be used to add advanced interactivity to your website through the principle of progressive enhancement. Using the "Hijax" concept, you will learn how to create applications that are highly flexible that degrade gracefully. Learn how to script your own Ajax solutions rather than relying on a third-party library.
This training course is taught by Clearleft Technical Director, Jeremy Keith. Jeremy is the author of the book Bulletproof Ajax, and a recognised expert on Ajax and the DOM. By the end of this course you'll have a full understanding of how the XHR object works and how it can be used to transport data between the server and browser without causing a page refresh. You will learn how to add Ajax interactivity to your page in a way that doesn't break the fundamental concepts of the web, and help improve usability. Through the practical examples demonstrated in this session, you will learn how to create advanced form validation and even an Ajax shopping cart.
This course is a perfect for intermediate developers with a good understanding of CSS and XHTML, and a basic grasp of JavaScript and the DOM.
Private training
The course is ideal for 4-8 people and prices start from £1600+VAT. Sessions can either be run on site at your offices, or at our state-of-the-art training centre in Brighton.
Introducing the XMLHttpRequest Object
  1. What is XMLHttpRequest?
  2. Creating an instance
  3. Preparing your transmission
  4. Handling the response
  5. What you get back
Data Formats
  1. Working with XML and the DOM
  2. Working with HTML snippets and innerHTML
  3. Introduction to JSON
  4. Choosing the right data format
Ajax and Progressive Enhancement
  1. Introducing Hijax
  2. Unobtrusive JavaScript
  3. Planning your application
  4. Using Hijax to ensure graceful degradation
Design Challenges
  1. Providing a non-JavaScript fallback
  2. Providing visual feedback
  3. Life without the back button
Ajax and accessibility
  1. How screen readers work
  2. Reading generated content
Libraries and Frameworks
  1. The most popular libraries and frameworks
  2. The benefits and problems associated with libraries and frameworks
Examples used:
  1. Ajax contact form
  2. Ajax table sorting
  3. Ajax shopping cart


£ 1,600 + VAT