

In New Haven (USA)

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    New haven (USA)

Professors Charles Bailyn, Charles Baltay (Physics), Sarbani Basu, Paolo Coppi, Pierre Demarque (Emeritus), Debra Fischer, Marla Geha, Jeffrey Kenney, Richard Larson (Emeritus), Gregory Laughlin, Priyamvada Natarajan, C. Megan Urry (Physics), William van Altena (Emeritus), Pieter van Dokkum, Robert Zinn



Start date

New Haven (USA)
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Start date

On request

About this course

Fields include observational and theoretical astronomy, solar and stellar astrophysics, exoplanets, the interstellar medium and star formation, astrometry, galactic astronomy, extragalactic astronomy, radio astronomy, high-energy astrophysics, and cosmology.

Applicants are expected to have a strong undergraduate preparation in physics and mathematics. Although some formal training in astronomy is useful, it is by no means a prerequisite for admission. Applicants are required to take the General GRE as well as the subject test in Physics.A typical program of study includes twelve courses taken during the first four terms, and must include the core courses listed below:

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  • GCSE Physics
  • Astrophysics
  • Astronomy
  • Thermodynamics
  • Mechanics

Course programme


ASTR 500a, The Physics of AstrophysicsPriyamvada Natarajan

Primarily for incoming students in the Ph.D. program in Astronomy. The basic physics and related mathematics needed to take the advanced graduate courses. Topics in mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, fluid mechanics, special relativity, and electrodynamics with applications to astrophysical systems are covered. Open to undergraduates with permission of the instructor.
TTh 4pm-5:15pm

ASTR 520a / G&G 538a, Computational Methods in Astrophysics and GeophysicsPaolo Coppi

The analytic and numerical/computational tools necessary for effective research in astronomy, geophysics, and related disciplines. Topics include numerical solutions to differential equations, spectral methods, and Monte Carlo simulations. Applications are made to common astrophysical and geophysical problems including fluids and N-body simulations.
MW 4pm-5:15pm

ASTR 545b / S&DS 570b, YData: ExoStatistics: Exploring Extrasolar Planets with Data ScienceJessica Cisewski

Extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, are planets orbiting stars outside our solar system. The past decade has led to a proliferation of exoplanet discoveries using various detection methods. Through the lens of data science, we investigate exoplanet datasets to learn how to find exoplanets, examine the population properties of observed exoplanets, estimate probabilities of another Earth-like exoplanet in our universe, and probe other questions about exoplanets. This course provides an introduction to exoplanet astronomy, an introduction to data science tools necessary for studying exoplanets, and opportunities to practice the data science skills presented in S&DS 523. This course can be taken concurrently with, or after successful completion of, S&DS 523.  ½ Course cr
T 3:30pm-5:20pm

ASTR 550a, Stellar AstrophysicsSarbani Basu

An introduction to the physics of stellar atmospheres and interiors. The basic equations of stellar structure, nuclear processes, stellar evolution, white dwarfs, and neutron stars.
TTh 9am-10:15am

ASTR 560b, Interstellar Matter and Star FormationHector Arce

The composition, extent, temperature, and density structure of the interstellar medium (ISM). Excitation and radiative processes; the properties of dust; the cold and hot ISM in the Milky Way and other galaxies. Dynamics and evolution of the ISM, including interactions between stars and interstellar matter. Physics and chemistry of molecular clouds and the process of star formation.
TTh 1pm-2:15pm

ASTR 565b, The Evolving UniversePieter Van Dokkum

Overview of cosmic history from the formation of the first star to the present day, focusing on direct observations of the high-redshift universe.
TTh 9am-10:15am

ASTR 580a or b, ResearchStaff

By arrangement with faculty.

ASTR 595b, Astrophysical FlowsGregory Laughlin

Fluid dynamics and hydrodynamics from an astrophysical perspective. The course covers the development of the Navier-Stokes equations from first principles, and discusses flows in which viscosity, gravity, radiation, and magnetic fields play dynamical roles (both separately and together). Specific applications to be covered include spherical collapse; the hydrodynamics of disks; and fluid waves, shocks, and fronts in a variety of contexts. We also discuss (and use) a variety of numerical schemes for solving fluid dynamical problems.
MW 9am-10:15am

ASTR 600b, CosmologyPriyamvada Natarajan

A comprehensive introduction to cosmology at the graduate level. The standard paradigm for the formation, growth, and evolution of structure in the universe is covered in detail. Topics include the inflationary origin of density fluctuations; the thermodynamics of the early universe; assembly of structure at late times and current status of observations. The basics of general relativity required to understand essential topics in cosmology are covered. Advanced undergraduates may register for the course with permission of the instructor.
TTh 4pm-5:15pm

ASTR 610a, The Theory of Galaxy FormationFranciscus van den Bosch

This astronomy course focuses on the physical processes associated with galaxy formation. Topics include Newtonian perturbation theory, the spherical collapse model, formation and structure of dark matter haloes (including Press-Schechter theory), the virial theorem, gravitational interactions, cooling processes, theory of star formation, feedback processes, and numerical simulations. The course also includes a detailed treatment of statistical tools used to describe the large-scale distribution of galaxies and introduces the student to the concepts of galaxy bias and halo occupation modeling. During the final lectures we discuss a number of outstanding issues in galaxy formation.
MW 9am-10:15am

ASTR 666a / AMTH 666a / G&G 666a, Classical Statistical ThermodynamicsJohn Wettlaufer

Classical thermodynamics is derived from statistical thermodynamics. Using the multi-particle nature of physical systems, we derive ergodicity, the central limit theorem, and the elemental description of the second law of thermodynamics. We then develop kinetics, transport theory, and reciprocity from the linear thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Topics of focus include Onsager reciprocal relations, the Fokker-Planck equation, stability in the sense of Lyapunov, and time invariance symmetry. We explore phenomena that are of direct relevance to astrophysical and geophysical settings. No quantum mechanics is necessary as a prerequisite.
TTh 10:30am-11:20am

ASTR 710a and ASTR 711b, Professional SeminarDebra Fischer

A weekly seminar covering science and professional issues in astronomy.
F 1:45pm-3:15pm


Price on request