Beginners SLR Photography: What Does This Button Do?


In London

£ 49 VAT inc.


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This course will get you acquainted with the key functions of your camera - Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO and White Balance. You'll know what to adjust and when to adjust it to take a good photo, and it will give you a good grounding from which you can move on to take other more advanced courses. Suitable for: Beginners, people who have got an SLR camera but don't really know what any of the functions do other than point and click on automatic mode



Start date

See map
Jack'S Place Corbet Place, E1 6NH

Start date

On request

About this course

You just need to bring an SLR camera with you. An SLR camera is one which has interchangeable lenses.

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  • SLR

Course programme

This course is aimed at rank beginners and is an idiot's guide to how to use the key functions of your camera. In just under three hours, Jonathan will help you understand how your camera works, why you'd adjust your Shutter Speed and Aperture settings, and how to get your camera to take better pictures. The course is perfect for someone who loves photography, but has never gone beyond the "point and click" mode. Or maybe someone's just got a new camera and wants to learn how to use it to the full. The course is also a perfect present, and at just £49 to cover all the basics, it's a gift from us.

Jonathan Bayley is a member of the British Institute of Professional Photographers and is an experienced teacher.

Beginners SLR Photography: What Does This Button Do?

£ 49 VAT inc.