Bachelor's degree

In Los Angeles (USA)

higher than £ 9000


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location

    Los angeles (USA)

About the Major
The goal of the Biophysics major is to provide students with the undergraduate background to enable them to enter very good graduate programs in biophysics, molecular biology, and physics.



Start date

Los Angeles (USA)
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On request

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  • GCSE Physics
  • Neuroscience
  • Biophysics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Biology

Course programme

Biophysics BS

The goal of the Biophysics major is to provide students with an undergraduate background that will enable them to enter competitive graduate programs in biophysics, molecular biology, and biological physics. It also aims at providing students with a solid, quantitative background for careers in the medical field of the future as well as in molecular biology, neuroscience, and biological physics which are all emerging as important and rapidly developing areas of physics. The major is designed to provide students with a flexible scientific/technical training that allows them to explore these different career paths and tailor their class work to their scientific interests. The program aims at providing an opportunity to the students to become scientific leaders, bringing the analytic and experimental techniques of different fields to bear on the fascinating world of the physics of living systems.

Learning Outcomes

The Biophysics major has the following learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrated mastery of fundamental principles and applications of classical mech-anics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and thermodynamics
  • Demonstrated mastery of necessary mathematical skills in differential equations, analysis, and linear algebra
  • Mastery of knowledge in basic biological science
  • Demonstrated proficiency in basic laboratory skills, including understanding and use of modern instrumentation and computers
  • Development of critical scientific thinking
  • Ability to retrieve and organize scientific information
  • Ability to apply scientific methodology to qualitative and quantitative analysis of physical phenomena
  • Ability to present clear written and oral accounts of scientific results
Preparation for the Major

Required: Physics 1A or 1AH, 1B or 1BH, 1C or 1CH, 4AL, 4BL, 17; Chemistry and Biochemistry 20A, 20B; Life Sciences 7A; Mathematics 31A or 31AL, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B. Recommended: Physics 18L.

Transfer Students

Transfer applicants to the Biophysics major with 90 or more units must have completed the following introductory courses prior to admission to UCLA: two years of calculus, one and one half years of calculus-based physics with laboratory for majors, one year of general biology with laboratory for majors, and one year of general chemistry with laboratory for majors.

Refer to the UCLA transfer admission guide for up-to-date information regarding transfer selection for admission.

The Major

Required: Physics 105A, 110A, 110B, 112, 115A, 115B, 131, M180G, C187A, C187B; either course 144 or C186; three additional upper-division elective courses selected from one group or among the three groups.

Group A (Physics of Neuroscience): Neuroscience M101A, Physics 117, C186.

Group B (Biological Physics): Physics 117, 144, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering C286.

Group C (Molecular and Cellular Biophysics): Chemistry 153A, 153L, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 100 or 165A.

Students will be advised when a course has additional lower-division requirements.

An overall 2.0 grade-point average in all upper-division courses is required.


higher than £ 9000