
In Islington

£ 345 + VAT


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  • Duration

    4 Days



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Islington (London)
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8 Godson Steet Angel, N1 9GZ

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On request

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Course programme

Since 1986 the giving of financial advice has been a regulated activity, mortgages became regulated in October 2004 and general insurance in January 2005. This means that for many positions within financial services the starting position of any job or career is the achievement of either Cemap or CeFa.

To become a mortgage advisor you need to have passed Cemap 1, 2 & 3. To become a financial advisor you must pass CeFa 1,2, 3 & 4. Luckily at this stage you don't have to make a decision as to whether being a mortgage advisor or a financial advisor is best for you, Cemap 1 & CeFa 1 are exactly the same exam. Having said this, many people choose at outset which route they wish to take. Once you have passed Cemap 1 or CeFa 1 you will find that employers will be much more keen to talk to you; quite simply, without this qualification many prospective employers will not even offer you an interview.


Do I need any previous experience or formal qualifications prior to coming onto the course?

No, the course is specifically designed for people with no previous experience and from all walks of life.

Is there any work to do before the course or is it all covered in the classroom?

Prior to commencing the course you will be sent the IFS manual, you should at least be familiar with its contents. As with all courses you get out of it what you put in.

I have not undertaken any formal training since I left school, won't that be a problem?

Not at all, many people in the class will be in your position. Our experienced trainers put everyone at their ease, recognizing that we are all individuals and learn in different ways. In addition, class sizes are small, thereby ensuring that everybody has the chance to benefit from the trainers experience.

So what areas will I learn?

On this course we will look at: money, basic legal concepts, asset classes, National Savings, life assurance, pensions, mortgages, taxation, social security benefits, the structure and purpose of the FSA, money laundering, compensation schemes, data protection, advice and the process of advice. Quite a varied list. In addition we add value to our courses by putting everything we learn into a practical scenario. You will be amazed to find out how much you learn about your own finances!

What's the exam like?

The exam is a multi choice exam taken at a driving test centre. It is split into two parts each consisting of 50 questions. In order to pass you need to get 35 right in each section. If you are unfortunate and miss out on one section, then, you need only retake that part.

Why should I choose your organization for my training?

That's a good question and obviously whatever we say will undoubtedly be biased. Our trainers are vastly experienced, not only in the training field but in actually doing the job, having been top salespeople and top sales managers. They therefore know how to succeed and what employers are looking for. What we would say is take a look at what our trainers previous delegates have said.

Some of your competitors promise a job, do you?

No. We do suggest that you look at what they are offering. Self - employment is not employment.

How come you don't offer lunch?

We believe that you come on to our courses to learn, not for the quality of our picnics! Additionally of course, by not providing you with an inadequate sandwich we can keep our rates down giving you more value for money at a highly competitive price.

Class Environment
Classes are kept to maximum of 8 learners to increase productivity and learning experience. This enables the trainer to give the personal attention to each learner.


£ 345 + VAT