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CICS is a global expert in management systems and product certification. Building on their extensive knowledge of management systems, CICS now provides management systems training courses.

Led by highly qualified trainers, the courses are interactive, yet informal, and, through discussion and practice, are geared towards providing practical knowledge and skills that can be constructively implemented to benefit your company’s business performance. In addition, our courses can count towards your Continuing Professional Development.

Internal Auditor - This four-day course is suitable for delegates who wish to improve their auditing skills as well as for those who are learning to become auditors.

Implementing an Environmental Management System for ISO 14001 - This two-day course is designed for delegates seeking to either create, or improve upon, an Environmental Management System (EMS) for their organisation.

Implementing a Health & Safety Management System for OHSAS 18001 - This two-day course is designed for delegates seeking to either create, or improve upon, a Health & Safety Management System for their organisation.

All courses are held at CICS' central location in Stoke-on-Trent.