Dalhousie University reviews

3.8 /5


Centre rating


College Freshman

About the course: Rutgers offered great experience and career prospects looks promising. University experience was good and the it's nationally recongnised. Programs were strong and they provided great healthcare facilities.
Course taken: September 2020
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Student reviewer

About the course: I would wholeheartedly recommend dalhousie University to everybody. Home inspection certificate program is truly amazing and it provided me with an open and friendly experience with so many knowledgeable people.
Course taken: July 2019
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Student reviewer

About the course: I personally like dalhousie University as it is one of the best in the country. I would highly recommend it to anyone. My learning experience was good and positive here. The way the course was structured was good.
Course taken: July 2019
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: Everything was fine.
What could be improved: Nothing to say.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Ralf Roggenbauer

What I would highlight: Instead, the team only Cook
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Ralf Roggenbauer

What I would highlight: Teamwork and open to others. "
What could be improved: Loved it!
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Imad Mekhail

What I would highlight: Everything was fine.
What could be improved: I think everything was really good.
Course taken: September 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: There are plenty of interesting places to live in the city of this university places.
What could be improved: Nothing to improve.
Course taken: September 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: You, "we need prebare same time for MODY have in Halifax
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: September 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Andrew Flavell

What I would highlight: tough game, we can make the most of it
What could be improved: I think everything was really good.
Course taken: September 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Imad Mekhail

What I would highlight: Easy -i already speak English
What could be improved: N/A
Course taken: September 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Olga Podchibikhina

What I would highlight: Everything was fine.
What could be improved: Nothing to say.
Course taken: August 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Ralf Roggenbauer

What I would highlight: Instead of going to the library, not only see more of the countryside to buy a book, I was interested in other cities in Canada and USDon't.
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: August 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Matthew Pridding

What I would highlight: Everything was fine.
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: August 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Matthew Pridding

What I would highlight: I'm fine, because it is believed to come from English-speaking countries, it was easy.
What could be improved: Nothing to say.
Course taken: August 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: I liked.
What could be improved: Loved it!
Course taken: August 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: Everything was fine.
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: July 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Olga Podchibikhina

What I would highlight: The best experience of my life.
What could be improved: N/A
Course taken: July 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: I live in the same apartment with other international students, it was a wonderful and rich experience. Of course it is also the host country of culture, is the best way to learn more about other cultures.
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: July 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes

Matthew Pridding

What I would highlight: What really good, everything is fine taughtNo seem to do very well in Dar.
What could be improved: Loved it!
Course taken: July 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes
*All reviews collected by Emagister & iAgora have been verified