Delivering Powerful & Charismatic Presentations


In London

£ 995 + VAT


  • Type


  • Location


  • Duration

    2 Days

This intensive and practical workshop has been specifically designed to enable you to become a confident and competent presenter. You will discover the secrets behind the mystique of how to deliver a powerful presentation and how to "get through" and not just "give out" in order to develop a real emotional connection with your audience. Suitable for: This course is designed for managers who present to clients or colleagues, or who represent their organisation at public events or conferences. You will discover how you can improve the style and structure of your presentations, and will focus on developing and refining the personal aspects of your delivery.



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6th Floor, 29 Bressenden Place, SW1E 5DR

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On request

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Course programme

Delivering Powerful & Charismatic Presentations

Understanding How to Manage and Control Nervous Energy

Getting the Butterflies to Fly in Formation
- tips and techniques to help you feel mentally more positive

Learning to Relax
- practical strategies to aid relaxation and get the body under control

The Neutral Position
- how to adopt the correct position for the first 9 seconds
- 9 : 90 rule of speaking

Managing the Physical Impact of the Speaker

Body Posture and Stance
- ensuring a confident and authoritative stance

Hands and Movement
- positive ways to use space and general spatial awareness

The Importance of the Face
- practical exercises to reduce facial tension
- how to maintain eye contact, especially with a large audience

Generating an Exciting and Interesting Voice

- how to achieve rib swing - developing the technique of breath control
- breathing exercises to help sustain the voice

Vocal Variety
- techniques to increase the variety of pitch in the voice
- developing a varied pace of delivery
- why and how to use pauses
- the ‘E’ word and its importance

Volume and Projection
- exercises to produce volume and increase resonance

Putting the Message Together

Audience Analysis and Objective Settings
- checklists to help analyse different sorts of audience
- considering the W.I.F.M approach to material generation
- how to set realistic and achievable objectives for a presentation

Structuring a Presentation (i)
- the importance of attention-getting openings
- suggestions on how to get started
- the law of primacy
- how to generate material
- the star diagram to help formulate key points

Structuring a Presentation (ii)
- closing the talk
- law of recency
- where to place the question and answer session

Key Ways to Introduce Variety
- structuring the main body
- use of humour
- anecdotes, comparisons and analogies
- sign-posting and mini summaries
- how to link effectively

Use of Notes
- evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of alternative options
- how to use notes effectively
- the negative effect of using visual aids as a prompt
- introduction to the “Grid”

Generating Eye-catching Visuals

Why Should Visuals be Used?
- the objective of a visual
- when should they not be used
- what options are available

Generating Visually
- design points for exciting visuals
- the 3 ‘Bs’ of visual design
- landscape versus portrait

Handling Visuals
- the 5 part handling strategy
- using a pointer
- how to re-focus the audience
- visuals used as handouts

Handling the Discussion Period

Different Types of Questions
- 8 questioner types
- understanding the motivation behind questioners’ behaviour
- tactics to encourage questions at the start of the discussion period

Handling Strategies
- neutralising aggressive people
- managing the awkward kind of questioner
- handling multiple questions
- how to cope if you do not know the answer
- how to manage questions when they occur during the presentation

Making the Emotional Connection
- the inside influence: how our beliefs, values, attitudes and opinions impact on our behaviour and communication
- Values Driven Communication – how to connect emotionally with a group of people
- the components of charisma

Additional information

Payment options: Delivering Powerful & Charismatic Presentations will provide you with a variety of presenting and public speaking skills and techniques. It will help you develop a real emotional connection with your audience through use of body language and voice, and will also teach you how to effectively put your points across and handle discussions.
Students per class: 18

Delivering Powerful & Charismatic Presentations

£ 995 + VAT