East Anglia College of Coaching & Hypnotherapy

  • In Norfolk

Reviews on East Anglia College of Coaching & Hypnotherapy

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Blended and interactive learning rather than just theory based training
Course delivery paced to suit the group and individual
Thorough and concise course material approved by the leading professional bodies
Tutoring by a practicing successful Hypnotherapist
Accreditation at the end of the course allows you to practice and run your own business
Graham is a professional who has worked for many years in the corporate world as well as with the general public helping many people learn and benefit from the power of hypnotherapy and Life Coaching.

Graham’s broad depth of experience as a Master NLP practitioner, professional Hypnotherapist, Counsellor and development coach is now available to all those wishing to be trained in Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching.

East Anglia College of Coaching & Hypnotherapy