Explore Storytelling for Games



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Discover tips and techniques for designing and telling stories through games. Using published game examples to expand your knowledge, you’ll master a variety of methods by which characters, plots, mechanics, and more are purposefully structured to tell a story in video games. No matter the game project you’re developing, you’ll learn critical skills for making deliberate storytelling design choices and for integrating specific technical facets of games to create compelling narratives.

You will learn how to:

Understand technical story design as it pertains to games
Create compelling protagonists & antagonists
Base your story on a three-act structure
Use different game-based methods to convey your story
Incorporate interactive, choice-based storytelling
Utilize quests to further the story

Frameworks and tools covered: None

Your Courses, Your Way

All of our project-based courses are designed to be flexible – you can access courses 24/7 to fit them around your schedule, and choose the learning materials that suit you best.

You can even download your course videos and watch them offline using the Zenva app, available on iOS and Android.

Learn from World-Class Instructors

Our course instructors participate in elite developer programs and have been recognized for their demonstrated excellence in development and teaching.

That way, you can be confident that you’re learning the most up-to-date content from industry experts.

Interactive Lessons with Codemurai

Our unlimited access package comes with free access to all of the courses in our mobile app, Codemurai!

Available on iOS and Android, it’s full of interactive programming lessons and exercises so you can continue your learning on the go.

Achieve Real Results

Our community of 1,000,000+ learners and developers have used the skills learned with us to publish their own games and websites, land their dream jobs, and even start their own businesses – and you have the potential to do the same!



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About this course

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Course programme

Introduction 3:38

Introduction 3:38


The Protagonist 9:51

The Protagonist 9:51


The Antagonist 6:11

The Antagonist 6:11


Three Act Structure 9:58

Three Act Structure 9:58


Storytelling Methods 8:45

Storytelling Methods 8:45


Choices 8:15

Choices 8:15


Quests 6:25

Quests 6:25


Conclusion 2:03

Conclusion 2:03


Additional information

On-demand, 24/7 access 0.9 hours of video Certificate of completion Source code and PDF notes Closed captions

Explore Storytelling for Games

Price on request