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Finance for the non-financial manager


In London ()

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£ 799 + VAT


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  • Duration

    2 Days

1 Explain financial jargon and techniques in layman's terms. 2 Improve your confidence when dealing with financial matters. 3 Break down the barriers between yourself and your finance and accounting colleagues. 4 Radically improve your planning and budgeting skills. 5 Help you to make better decisions based on a clearer understanding of financial data. 6 Keep you focused on the bottom-line implications of the way you run your business. 7 Increase your contribution to your organisation and boost your career development. Suitable for: This seminar is relevant to all managers. Previous delegates have included: project managers, marketing managers, technical managers, solicitors, general managers, office services managers, manufacturing managers, contracts managers, engineers, sales managers, business development managers, research managers and many, many others even managing directors and finance directors.

Important information


  • Finance for the non-financial manager pdf

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Teachers and trainers (1)

Chantal Dunham

Chantal Dunham

Training Consultant

Chantal trained at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with ICAS. She spent 3 years in audit at PwC before joining their consultancy arm where she worked as a training consultant. Since joining Kaplan, Chantal has been involved with clients such as the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Department of Health and Shell.

Course programme

You are an effective manager, skilled in your own area of expertise. Only two things stop you from becoming an all-round high performer – a sure grasp of how finance works and the confidence to use that knowledge to make better business decisions.

This seminar is designed specifically for you. It demystifies finance. It explains simply and clearly what the key financial statements mean, how they work and relate to each other and how your actions as a manager affect them and your business.

Finance for the non-financial manager

£ 799 + VAT