Forensic Science

Bachelor's degree

In Telford

Price on request


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location


  • Duration

    3 Years

This degree aims to:

Produce graduates who are able to use forensic science techniques as investigative tools to assist the police and legal professions.

Enable you to develop your skills in scientific and critical thinking as well as independent study.

In addition, if you choose to undertake a sandwich degree, the course will allow you to acquire technical skills in the workplace and enable you to integrate knowledge gained in the theoretical aspects of the course into the professional environment.

Find out more on our Why Forensic Science? page

Watch our video featuring students and staff to find out what it is like to study Forensic Science at the University of Wolverhampton.



Start date

Telford (Shropshire)
See map
Level 3 Southwater One, Southwater Sqare, Southwater Way, TF3 4JG

Start date

On request

About this course

You will have studied one of the most exciting areas within science.

You will be a highly articulate individual capable of explaining science in non-specialist language.

You will also be literate, numerate and have a high level of IT skills making you well equipped for today’s workplace.

You will be able to carry out laboratory analysis and will have the ability to enter any type of laboratory work and achieve within that employment sector.

You will have gained a broad scientific knowledge in both Biology and Chemistry and so are able to deal with both subject areas.

2019 Entry

A level minimum of AA or CCC to include Biology or Chemistry.
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Applied Science grade MMM or BTEC National Diploma grade DD.
Access to HE with 60 credits in total, 45 level 3 credits, 36 must be in Science of which 18 passed with minimum Merit.
If you've got other qualifications or relevant experience, please contact The Gateway for further advice before applying.
International entry requirements and application guidance can be found here

Other Requirements.
Students must have studied a minimum of two years post GCSE level

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Course programme

Year 1 of this exciting course introduces you to the world of the forensic scientist and crime scene investigator as well as providing the science that you will need to become a practising forensic analyst. These include key topics in genetics, biochemistry and cell biology together with an introduction to the legal system within which forensic scientists work. The course will deliver introductory modules in methods of forensic analysis and the role of forensic science in modern society.

In year 2 you will engage with the major subject areas within forensic science, including the considerations of evidence gathering at crime scenes. The use of DNA and insects in forensic work will be covered, as will the examination of chemicals as evidence. The information that bones and gravesites can tell us are also important aspects covered by the course. In addition, you will be introduced to methods for analysing handwriting, soil, weapons and bullets and bloodstains found at scenes of crime. You will have regular opportunities to put theory to practise in an extensive range of practical sessions, including crime scene investigation.

If you choose not to opt for a work placement in year 3, you move directly to your final year where you will study the science behind the work of forensic pathologists and toxicologists, examine in more detail many of the analytical techniques used by forensic scientists and experience the application of your knowledge and skills in the court room environment. We prepare you for working in a laboratory environment and for management roles in that sector by considering issues associated with laboratory management. Your Honours project will consist of a thorough piece of scientific research investigating an important area of forensic science.

Watch our short video below about our firearm examination facilities

Forensic Science

Price on request