Foundation Diploma in Mathematics - Business and Commerce





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This free diploma course provides students with the mathematical knowledge and skills needed to study Business or Commerce at third-level. The course consists of maths tutorial videos in which qualified maths teachers resolve problems in real-time. Furthermore, a comprehensive assessment tests students on all aspects of mathematics which are related to Business & Commerce. This course will appeal to third-level students who are lacking confidence in their mathematical knowledge and skills. This course will also appeal to students who are re-entering formal education after a significant absence. This diploma course will help to help to build students’ confidence in their mathematical ability and ensure that they are prepared for third-level study. The topics covered in this course are, Introduction to Mathematics, Algebra, Equations and Functions, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Calculus, Matrices, Statistics and Introduction to Business Mathematics.

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  • GCSE Mathematics
  • Mathematics
  • Business
  • Commerce
  • Graphs

Course programme

Module Title Module 1: Introduction to Mathematics Module 2: Algebra Module 3: Equations, Functions and Graphs Module 4: Calculus Module 5: Probability and Binomial Distribution Module 6: Foundation Diploma in Mathematics - Business and Commerce: First Assessment Module 7: Matrices Module 8: Statistics Module 9: Introduction to Business Mathematics Module 10: Foundation Diploma in Mathematics - Business and Commerce: Second Assessment Module 11: Foundation Diploma in Mathematics - Business and Commerce: Final Assessment

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ALISON’s Diploma Courses category includes diploma-level courses in a variety of professional subjects, such as project management, business management and entrepreneurship, HR, web design, psychology, customer service, programming, social media marketing, children’s studies, nursing and patient care, social work, IT management, statistics, mental health, Six Sigma, teaching skills for educators, carpentry, supply chain management, international tourism, and PE. These diploma-level courses will give the learner a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Upon successful graduation, the student will have gained valuable skills and training that will greatly enhance employability and career prospects. The category also includes an innovative work-force re-entry skills advanced diploma that will be of interest to anyone re-entering the workforce after an extended absence.

Foundation Diploma in Mathematics - Business and Commerce
