FPSO Advanced Technical



£ 4,299 + VAT


  • Type


  • Level


  • Duration

    5 Days

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Course programme

5 reasons why you must attend this course

Your course programme at a glance

  1. The course provides a completely unique opportunity to hear from leading FPSO experts who fully understand the technical complexities and considerations to be addressed in the development of an FPSO project
  2. Attain the level of knowledge and understanding required to help you and your team to deliver improved FPSO projects in the future - project case studies will be used to highlight technical considerations
  3. Review the personnel, asset and environment risks and gain an insight into how better to identify and manage these key risks and the impact they can have on the overall success of a project
  4. Enhance your comprehension of the overall vessel configuration by understanding the key issues and decision cases
  5. Gain a thorough insight into FPSO topside design, equipment and control system selection and process system requirements for heavy oil processing

PLUS: Network with international experts and your peers at the social events offered throughout the week.

Please quote VIP code KS0124EMWB when you register.

FPSO Advanced Technical

£ 4,299 + VAT