Globachelorl Health (intercalated) bachelorchelor

Bachelor's degree

In Manchester

Price on request


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location


  • Duration

    1 Year

  • Start date


This one-year, intercalated bachelorchelor in Globachelorl Health is designed for medical students who want to prepare themselves to be a globachelorl doctor, by enhancing their knowledge about the inter-connectedness of health and its determinants.  This course analyses the impact of major social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors on health challenges, such as the globachelorl epidemic in HIV / AIDS, chronic diseases, trauma in developing countries, tropical diseases and the emergence and rapid spread of infectious diseases.
This one-year, intercalated bachelorchelor in Globachelorl Health is designed for medical students who want to prepare themselves to be a globachelorl doctor, by enhancing their knowledge about the inter-connectedness of health and its determinants.  This course analyses the impact of major social, economic,...



Start date

Manchester (Greater Manchester)
See map
Oxford Road, M13 9PL

Start date

SeptemberEnrolment now open

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  • International
  • University
  • Medical
  • Doctor
  • Medical training

Course programme

The intended learning outcomes of the Intercalated bachelorchelor in Globachelorl Health are as follows. On completion of the programme, you should be able to show a critical understanding of:
the key concepts, policies and debachelortes that underpin a globachelorl health approach which can be applied to the analysis of health and health issues
the impact of major worldwide social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors that are producing new health controversies, challenges and opportunities
contemporary issues at the forefront of health and well-being including health systems and health system design, and the work of the international community in globachelorl health
multi-disciplinary, diverse and innovative research methodologies in the study of globachelorl health and the ability to evaluate research in health and disease
the skills needed to conduct globachelorl health research and policy analysis, including evaluating theory and programmes in practice, planning and developing policy and research proposals 
you should have developed personal skills that will enhance your professional practice, such as empathy, analysis, critical reflection and self-reflection, alongside an awareness and understanding of the lived experience of health, well-being and illness, including the range of complex social, cultural, political and economic factors that impact on health outcomes
This program is offered by the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at the University of Manchester, which brings together the disciplines of medicine and humanities, as well the expertise of academics and practitioners. As an HCRI student, you will further benefit from the coMasterhensive and interdisciplinary approach in teaching and research, as well as individual tutorial and supervision from academics from a wide range of disciplines including Emergency Medicine, Political Science, International Relations, History, Medical Anthropology, Disaster Management and Globachelorl Health.
You will undertake 120 credits of course units with the dissertation providing a contribution of 30 credits.
Course units may include:

Introduction to Globachelorl Health

War, Migration and Health

Medical Anthropology

Maternal and Neonatal Survival

Meeting the MDG: The Anthropology of International Development

Research Methodology in Globachelorl Health

Please note that this is an indicative list and course modules may vary from year to year.
Course units for year 3
The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.
TitleCodeCredit ratingMandatory/optionalMedical Anthropology
For a full version of these testimonials, visit the HCRI website

Samihah Moazam, intercalating from medical studies at The University of Manchester

I decided to intercalate during fourth year as I wanted to take the opportunity to study something different, take a break from medicine before my final year and also build up my CV for the future. I had started to become interested in globachelorl health after two related SSC's . Its not a topic that is given much attention in medical school but is something we will come across in all aspects of medicine. I inquired about the course at HCRI once it became available and it seemed to cover all areas that I was interested in learning more about.
I'm really enjoying the course. The modules are diverse and cover a wide range of topics from different view points. There's also opportunities to expand your knowledge in areas you're interested in through presentations and written assignments.

James Gill,
intercalating from his medical studies at The University of Sheffield

I'm one of the external intercalating medical students (from Sheffield).  I had just finished my third year in medical training and I decided that now would be a good time to embrace a new challenge before finishing my medical degree. I applied to the Globachelorl Health bachelorchelor as I'm interested in learning about how long-term globachelorl health issues such HIV and TB are being tackled and also about how the social determinants affecting health, such as poverty, need to be addressed to create equitable universal healthcare.
Practical support and advice for current students and applicants is available from the Disability Advisory and Support Service. Email:
Medical students with a globachelorl health degree will have a wide range of exciting career opportunities. Many students will be able to use the course as a starting point to progress onto careers as globachelorl health doctors, researchers, teachers, consultants for NGOs and UN organisations.

Whatever your interests are, you can access support from your tutors, the University Careers Service
and an extensive alumni network to boost your career prospects whilst at HCRI and Manchester.

Globachelorl Health (intercalated) bachelorchelor

Price on request