The Goldsmiths Prize 2018: Innovative Fiction, From Shortlist to Winner


In London

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    8 Weeks

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Discover the Goldsmiths Prize shortlist as it is announced, study the novels with a top British novelist and literary critic, and attend the ceremony where you’ll find out who the winner is! Our six shortlisted books offer resistance to the received idea of how a novel should be written. Variously, they break the rules on continuity, time, character arcs, perspective, voice, typographical conventions and structure. As such, there is a wildness to all of our chosen books that provokes in the reader a joyful inquiry about just what a novel might be there to do Dr Naomi Wood, Chair of Judges The annual Goldsmiths Prize was established in 2013 to discover and celebrate innovative works by both new and established writers, or “fiction at its most novel.” The £10,000 Prize has already started to shake up the worlds of publishing and reviewing, despite its relative infancy, making them less resistant to innovation and experiment. Playing safe is no longer the only option. Past winners include Eimear McBride (A Girl is A Half-formed Thing ) and Ali Smith (How to Be Both ). Smith declared that this was the Prize that any novelist that cares for fiction should most want to win. This is a unique opportunity in which you will be the first to discover the six shortlisted books, before embarking on a quick-fire, week-by-week examination of these texts, under the expert supervision of Professor Adam Mars-Jones. Not only will you be present for the announcing of the shortlist, and an event in which all six novelists read extracts from their books, but you’ll be invited to attend the Prize ceremony at the end of the course!



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New Cross, SE14 6NW

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Course programme

Week 1 – Goldsmiths Prize Lecture and Shortlist Announcement. Brief Introduction from c. 6.15pm (or 6.30?), then at 6.45 relocating to the New Statesman/Goldsmiths Prize Lecture and shortlist announcement (7pm start). After a brief introduction to the short course, you will relocate to a lecture theatre in which the shortlist will be announced. This will form the basis of your reading over the next six weeks. Please note that you will need to purchase course texts when the shortlist is announced. All books will be available through sites such as Amazon. Week 2 – 7 – Week-by-Week Study of the Shortlisted Texts. One shortlisted book discussed each evening; including attending the shortlist readings; sessions to be 2hrs except the one when the readings happen – this is likely to be either 25/10 or 1/11, when we expect to hold 1hr class + attend readings – and the week after, when we can hold a 3hr class, so that there is time to discuss all 6 books equally. We will conduct weekly seminars in which you’ll need to read each book in advance of the class. Professor Mars-Jones will guide you through various aspects of the texts such as novelistic technique, construction of plot and character, voice, point of view. As the course progresses you’ll be invited to engage in comparative consideration of the novels studied so far. There will also be one shorter class of one hour, as you will attend the shortlist winners reading excerpts from their books. There will be a longer class the following week to make up for the lost time. Week 8 – Prize Ceremony at Foyles’. Attending the prize ceremony at Foyles’ on Charing Cross Road. Having studied and discussed the shortlisted writers, and having heard them read in person, you will attend the prestigious ceremony in which the winner will be announced. This takes place in Charing Cross Road’s famous bookstore, Foyles’.

The Goldsmiths Prize 2018: Innovative Fiction, From Shortlist to Winner

Price on request