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Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE)

Bachelor's degree

In Madrid ()

higher than £ 9000


  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

Course in English, Spanish, and Bilingual

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya’s Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management run at EAE equips participants to perform key roles in the general company setting or any specific area, such as Finance, Marketing and Sales, General Administration, Accounting and Human Resources. This Bachelor Degree programs enables students to acquire a sound knowledge of the foundations of the economic system, giving them an insight into the different areas of company management from three perspectives:

From a generalist viewpoint, with contents on all the functional areas of a company.
With a clearly practical approach, with up to 540 hours of business internship, counted as elective credits.
With a versatile methodology designed to ensure the acquisition of the professional competences required to access the employment market.

In short, the University Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Management is designed to train professionals equipped to lead, manager and run any company, organization or other public and private institution. Professionals ready to take on executive responsibilities within a context of complex and changeable global interrelations, with the ability to make decisions against a backdrop of uncertainty.

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  • Business Administration
  • Business direction
  • Sales
  • Business management
  • Business Intelligence
  • People Management

Course programme


Fundamentos de Matemáticas - 6 ECTS

Fundamentos de la Contabilidad Financiera - 6 ECTS

Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación - 6 ECTS

Gestión Empresarial - 6 ECTS

English - 6 ECTS

Fundamentos de Estadística - 6 ECTS

Contabilidad Financiera para la toma de decisiones - 6 ECTS

Introducción a la Economía - 6 ECTS

Sociología - 6 ECTS

Professional Skills - 6 ECTS


Estadística y visualización de datos - 6 ECTS

Análisis del Entorno Económico- 6 ECTS

Planificación y análisis de empresas - 6 ECTS

Fundamentos de marketing - 6 ECTS

Estadística y análisis de datos - 6 ECTS

Matemáticas Aplicadas a la gestión - 6 ECTS

Matemáticas financieras - 6 ECTS

Derecho Civil y Mercantil - 6 ECTS

Innovation and Creativity - 6 ECTS

Marketing Estratégico - 6 ECTS


Análisis y Seguimiento de la Gestión - 6 ECTS

Dirección Financiera - 6 ECTS

Macroeconomía - 6 ECTS

Dirección Comercial y Ventas- 6 ECTS

Derecho Fiscal II - 6 ECTS

Control de Gestión - 6 ECTS

Supply Chain Management and Transactions - 6 ECTS

Microeconomía - 6 ECTS

Finanzas Corporativas - 6 ECTS

Derecho Fiscal I - 6 ECTS


Relaciones laborales - 6 ECTS

Dirección de Personas - 6 ECTS

Business Intelligence - 6 ECTS

Mercados e instrumentos financieros - 6 ECTS

Business Start Up- 6 ECTS

Optativa 1- 6 ECTS

Optativa 2 - 6 ECTS

Optativa 3 - 6 ECTS

Trabajo Final de Grado - 12 ECTS

Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE)

higher than £ 9000