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Healthy eating for all occasions


In Washington ()

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Course programme

LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (Understanding, skills, knowledge to be learned) (Standards of achievement against which outcomes will be measured) The learner will be able to: The learner has achieved this because (s)he can: 1. Recognise a healthy, balanced
nutritious recipe
1.1 Describe the features of a healthy, balanced, nutritious recipe
1.2 Identify an unhealthy recipe giving a reason e.g. high in saturated fat
2. Understand the importance of a
healthy balanced diet
2.1 Explain nutrition requirements of the body
2.2 Explain possible outcomes of not following a healthy diet
3. Know how to adapt recipes and
menus to contribute to a healthy
3.1 Describe alternative products and techniques to meet the needs of
healthy eating e.g. replacing full fat milk with skimmed or
3.2 Demonstrate skill and confidence in trying new alternatives to old ideas
on at least 2 occasions
4. Understand the principles of
healthy eating and variety in diet
for people with differing
nutritional needs
4.1 Plan menus ahead of meals for a full 7 days considering all food groups
for 2 groups of people with differing nutritional needs
5. Understand the importance of
flair, creativity and inventiveness
in healthy eating
5.1 Plan an interesting and stylish special occasion menu that satisfies
the requirements of a healthy, balanced, nutritious diet
6. Understand and refer to theories
that underpins the principles of
healthy eating and the way that
this can be put into practice
6.1 Produce an extensive workfile of dietary and healthy eating information
with recipes, menus and guide to planning for various occasions

Healthy eating for all occasions

Price on request