Inside DEFRA

Short course

In Belgravia, London

Price on request


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location

    Belgravia, london

  • Duration

    1 Day

To provide an overview of it's structure and core policy responsibilities. To offer some clarity on Defra's day to day operations looking specifically at how it manages to deliver policy over a vast range of key areas.



Start date

Belgravia, London (London)
See map
Suite 49, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0RH

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Inside DEFRA

This specialist one-day course offers comprehensive guidance on how this large Department works.

The course will offer a clear explanation of how it manages it's vast workload, examining how it's structure enable an inclusive dissemination of policy initiatives. The course will explain how the Department works closely with several policy partners and other outside bodies. It will offer detailed professional guidance on how Third Sector organisations can best improve upon their existing engagement patterns with the Department.

Finally, the course will appraise the impact on policy delivery of the renew commitments on sustainable development which the Department has pledged to achieve in the coming years - assessing the strategic impact this new commitment is poised to have.

Additional information

Payment options: Price includes course notes and the provision of lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

Inside DEFRA

Price on request