Inside the Treasury

Short course

In Belgravia, London

Price on request


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location

    Belgravia, london

  • Duration

    1 Day

To provide a unique insight into what really goes on within this department and offer guidance and advice on how to work hand in hand with this formidable department of state. Suitable for: Public affairs and policy staff who need to gain a better understanding of how this department works.



Start date

Belgravia, London (London)
See map
Suite 49, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 0RH

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Inside the Treasury

In recognition of the shifting ecomonic climate and the diverse effect that changes in domestic ecomonic policy can have on industry and those campaigning for shifts in fiscal or social policy; the Inside the Treasury course has been devised to offer insight into how this most powerful department of government derives and executes day to day public policy.

The course will offer insight into the adminstrative culture of the Treasury as well as illustrate who the crucial decision makers are and how to foster postive working partnerships with them.

The course will act as an aid to anyone who wishes to gain greater insight into how the department is structured, and how it deals with outside interest. The course will explain the Treasury's unique policy remit which covers a wide spectrum of associated government policies encompassing health, education, the financial sector, charities and industries at large.

Additional information

Payment options: The course includes course notes and the provision of lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

Inside the Treasury

Price on request