
  • In London

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Founded in 2003 we have been working to improve staff awareness training to business and individuals alike.

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Staff Awareness TrainingFree Video Information Website online


Knowledge is what got us to where we are today. It would simply not be possible to provide this service without understanding various technological and environmental topics. As we must understand the environment to make our service available, your business must clearly understand why cost and carbon saving initiates are implemented as and when they become required for various reasons such as commercial pressure, legislation or the desire to do something for the environment.When you are looking to make your business more green and save money, you must begin with informing your staff. There are plenty of reasons why this makes sense.Let us help you achieve greater understanding of the issues of today and tomorrow. Let us help you achieve the cost savings your business needs.With prices starting from £450 for a day event, reaching up to 60 members of staff in 3 90-120 minute presentations, we offer a cost-effective solution that you can not afford to miss.
