Level 3 - IT Diploma


In Croydon

Price on request


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    Different dates available

You can choose between a one and two year course. After having successfully completed the ...There is the opportunity to advance to Higher Education either in the college’s own University Centre with courses validated by the University of Sussex or other good providers. Alternatively, you can progress directly to employment.



Start date

Croydon (London)
See map
College Road, CR9 1DX

Start date

Different dates availableEnrolment now open

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  • IT
  • Skills and Training
  • Maths
  • University
  • English

Course programme

Course Overview

You can choose between a one and two year course. After having successfully completed the one year course, which is equivalent to 1/1.5 A Levels, you can then progress on to the second year, which is equivalent to 3 A Levels.

The course covers units across a wide and exciting range of specialisms. You will learn business skills which you can then put into action. The dynamic teaching team has excellent links with both large and small local employers and part of your learning will be engaging with them.

On this advanced level course, you will experience both theoretical and practical study of both computer and IT related topics. You will follow a wide range of units designed to provide an excellent platform for learners wishing either to progress towards a course in higher education or to enter employment in the IT industry. This course has been developed to focus on skills required in today’s IT environment and is particularly geared towards those interested in computers and software engineering. The combination of the IT units studied on the course prepares and equips you with the skills needed for employment in a range of modern industries, from small to large organisations.

The computer systems unit will equip you with the knowledge to build, upgrade, and configure computers and software applications.

You will learn how to design and develop your own computer games, animations, and software programs. You will also learn to design interactive websites.

You will be taught in well-equipped classrooms, with interactive whiteboards and the latest technology, including our virtual learning environment. We have a very well equipped library and learning resource centre with plenty of computers for independent study and amazing library facilities.

Good English and maths skills are essential for success in studying and for future employment prospects and so Croydon College ensures that these skills are developed in all learning opportunities.

It’s also important to have good English and maths qualifications and so all students will study English and maths and work towards an appropriate level and type of qualification including GCSE. This will be part of all 16-18 year old students’ Study Programme alongside their main vocational or academic qualification and will be discussed with students at interview.

Please note advance applications for September 2016 for this course have now closed. However, you can still come in to apply and enrol during our open enrolment period between Tuesday 30 August and Friday 9 September. .

Additional information

1 Year (with option to progress to Extended Diploma second year)
1 Year (with option to progress to Extended Diploma second year)

Level 3 - IT Diploma

Price on request