Manual Handling - Awareness in the Workplace



£ 14 VAT inc.


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  • Duration

    6 Months

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Discover the main principles of manual handling safety awareness in this interesting and absorbing basic entry-level course. It's suitable for all employees who lift heavy objects within their place of work and wish to increase their knowledge and awareness of safe handling techniques. It's also an ideal training opportunity for those looking to enhance their understanding of health and safety best practices to help boost their employment options and increase their earning prospects. Poor manual handling practices and unsafe lifting techniques are the cause of a significantly high number of the injuries that occur in the workplace each and every year. In fact, recent statistics suggest that unsafe manual handling techniques are responsible for a third of all reported workplace injuries, and in some cases recovery can be a long and difficult process. Such injuries, although commonplace, can have vast and far-reaching consequences, both for the individual involved and the organisation they work for. It can result in a great deal of personal discomfort and emotional distress for the victim, and create disruption and legal hassle for their employers. Injury in the workplace as a result of poor manual handling techniques can also have quite serious financial implications, as victims may have to take extended leave from work to undergo costly medical treatment. These lost days at work through personal injury can end up costing businesses hundreds, and in some cases even thousands, of pounds each year. However, the good news is that such injuries are entirely preventable. Armed with the right knowledge and training, employees can learn how to manage risks, implement suitable control measures and dramatically reduce the chances of personal injury from occurring.



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  • Personal Injury
  • Manual Handling

Course programme

The course is suitable for all employees who wish to increase their awareness of safe manual handling and lifting practices and learn to: This course introduces entry-level students to the fundamental principles of safe handling practices for those who are required to manually lift or handle heavy objects in the workplace. Appreciate the necessity of safe manual handling awareness in the workplace.. Identify the risks and hazards associated with manual handling tasks.. Demonstrate an understanding of the key principles of safe manual handling techniques including good posture and adopting a stable and balanced position.. Understand the legalities involved with manual handling in the workplace as stipulated in The Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992), which applies to any work that involves lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling or carrying.. Protect themselves from accident and personal injury in the workplace by adopting and promoting safe manual handling techniques within their place of work.. Upon successful completion of the course employees are able to: Identify manual handling risks and hazards within their place of work.. Understand and be able to explain the function of the spine in relation to manual handling and lifting techniques.. Recognise how unsafe manual handling techniques increases the risks and hazards of accident and/or personal injury from taking place in the workplace.. Adopt and apply the practical use of safe manual handling techniques when carrying out manual handling tasks within their place of work - this includes ensuring the correct posture and a stable and balance position is adopted at all times..

Manual Handling - Awareness in the Workplace

£ 14 VAT inc.