Marc Fish Fine Contemporary Furniture

  • In East Sussex

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Marc Fish started teaching after identifying a need for high quality cabinet making tuition. Having gone down the usual City and Guilds route when he was training he is all too aware of large class numbers, uninspiring tutors and lack of personal attention. It is for this reason he personally trains only two furniture making students at anytime and is one of only of teachers that does not run one week group courses. When these short courses are being run the long term student can not get the tutoring they require.He is also the only tutor in Sussex that has been awarded a coveted Guild Mark by The Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. Marc is a regular author for Furniture & Cabinet Making magazine and you can follow his how to articles and see how some of the award winning furniture was made.It could be the change your life needs, Marc specialises in training students that have retired or looking for a change of career. Do something exciting in 2009.

Marc Fish Fine Contemporary Furniture