MSP Exam Preparation


In London-City

£ 675 + VAT


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Officially launched in October 1999, "Managing Successful Programmes"  is a guide that maintains a strategic view over a set of projects, aligning them to the required business change in order to realise benefits of strategic importance to the business. The Practitioner Examination Preparation event provides an opportunity to apply learning of the MSP methodology to programme scenarios. The scenarios used on this event are in the same format to those used in the APM Group Practitioner Exam. If you require the Foundation Exam, please contact SPOCE for the options available. The focus of this event is to apply previous learning of the method to sample Practitioner style exam questions. No learning of any new MSP topics should be expected, rather an enhancement of your existing knowledge. Who is the course designed for? The Examination Preparation Event is designed for anyone who has recently passed the MSP Foundation Exam and wishes to receive advice and guidance in preparation for taking the APM Group MSP Practitioner Examination. The event will help anyone who wishes to understand and appreciate how MSP is applied to a programme scenario. Course approach: During the course, candidates will have an opportunity to try out the application of their existing MSP knowledge to a typical practitioner exam scenario and related objective tests questions. It can be expected that this preparation event will improve the likelihood of passing the APMG Practitioner Exam. The event is not suitable for anyone wishing to learn or substantially revise the MSP Method. Learning Objectives   The key objectives of this Exam Preparation event are to: Provide Delegates with an opportunity to review their individual preparation for the MSP Practitioner examination. Develop the delegate’s ability to apply the MSP Method appropriately through various programme-based scenarios and associated objective tests. Provide Delegates with an opportunity to...



Start date

London-City ((select))

Start date

On request

About this course

All Delegates attending the Exam Preparation Event must already have reached the standard of knowledge required and have passed the pre-requisite Foundation Examination.

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Course programme

This 1-day event is intended to prepare delegates for the MSP Practitioner Exam, and although a flexible timetable is applied, it will include the following elements:

An overview of the MSP Practitioner Exam, including structure/format, syllabus areas, question types and the importance of strategy and time management.

Then, for each syllabus area (e.g. Business Case), a brief overview will be followed by a sample Practitioner Exam question. As each question is completed, there will be a review of the answers and rationale, before moving on to another syllabus area. This cycle is then repeated throughout the day. In order to ensure that delegates are well prepared for the Practitioner Exam, all syllabus areas are covered, including a look at key areas of the manual (bearing in mind that the Practitioner Exam is ‘open-book’). By the end of the day, delegates will have attempted sample questions covering all question types used in the Practitioner Exam, with some further questions being available for evening work

MSP Exam Preparation

£ 675 + VAT