Music Moves: Why Does Music Make You Move? - University of Oslo





  • Type


  • Methodology


Learn about the psychology of music and movement, and how researchers study music-related movements, with this free online course.

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  • IT
  • Music
  • Psychology

Course programme

Music is movement. A bold statement, but one that we will explore together in this free online course.

Together we will study music through different types of body movement. This includes everything from the sound-producing keyboard actions of a pianist to the energetic dance moves in a club.

You will learn about the theoretical foundations for what we call embodied music cognition and why body movement is crucial for how we experience the emotional moods in music. We will also explore different research methods used at universities and conservatories. These include advanced motion capture systems and sound analysis methods.

You will be guided by a group of music researchers from the University of Oslo, with musical examples from four professional musicians. The course is rich in high-quality text, images, video, audio and interactive elements.

Join us to learn more about terms such as entrainment and musical metaphors, and why it is difficult to sit still when you experience a good groove.

Music Moves: Why Does Music Make You Move? - University of Oslo
