Natas Training

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NATAS are experts in asbestos training, including e-learning courses and health & safety training.
NATAS' dedicated Environmental department provides UKAS Surveys and a UKAS Laboratoty

NATAS provides a dedicated asbestos training scheme for both the asbestos industry and a range of Asbestos Awareness courses, including online training for anyone who may come into contact with asbestos during their work.

Using experienced, nationwide-based tutors, NATAS’ training methods keep delegates interested and involved, while also placing a large emphasis on interaction to supplement the more traditional training techniques that are also used.

Asbestos-related training is NATAS’ core business. Hundreds of courses are run across the UK and Ireland every year that launch careers, revalidate licences, protect staff and educate dutyholders.

NATAS' Asbestos Awareness e-learning courses (online training) are aimed at those who may encounter asbestos during work activities or who work in buildings where asbestos is present.

Browse the courses listed here to learn more about each specific course, dates, locations, costs and their curriculum. Some courses are bespoke, while others are scheduled on demand.

Whatever your asbestos training requirements, you couldn’t place them in better hands

Natas Training