Negotiating with Trade Unions

Short course

In London

£ 495 VAT inc.


  • Type

    Short course

  • Location


  • Duration

    1 Day

Discrimination law continues to challenge HR professionals and Line Managers alike. A proliferation of case law coupled with extensive, new legislation in recent years makes Discrimination the most rapidly expanding area of employment law. It is also a field of law in which employers feel vulnerable - and with some justification. The long-awaited Equality Act 2010 will strengthen anti-discrimination legislation and employers must familiarise themselves with its provisions and review working practices and procedures to ensure compliance. Suitable for: Human resources, employee support and assistance, employee relations/industrial relations officers, staff representatives



Start date

See map
Dove House, Arcadia Avenue, N3 2JU

Start date

On request

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Course programme

09:00 - Registration and coffee
09:30 - Welcome, introductions and objectives for the day
09:45 - Personal experiences of negotiating with trade unions
· Distinguishing between what is said, how it''s said and what is meant
· Receiving and interpreting signals
· Responding appropriately

10:15 - Motivation and organisational culture

· How can differences in your motivation and theirs affect the negotiation process?
· Appreciating variations in organisational culture and how this might impact the outcome

10:45 - Coffee

11:00 - The negotiation process
· Distinguishing content from process
· Managing the process
· Agreeing the ground rules

11:30 - The negotiating relationship

· Constituency relationships - yours and theirs
· Pay negotiations - what makes pay different from other issues?

12:00 - Negotiation style

· Recognising your preferred style
· Choosing the style appropriate to the situation and modifying your own behaviour accordingly
· Responding to the style used by the Trade Union

13:00 - Lunch

13:45 - The Negotiation
· Preparation - identifying objectives and considering all implications before you get to the table
· Creating and displaying strength and cohesion as a team
· The proposal - putting your case across clearly and persuasively
· Responding to claims - dealing with Trade Union claims and demands effectively
· Influencing the decision
· Managing conflict - recognising the early signals and keeping your cool
· Avoiding and dealing with deadlock

15:15 - Coffee

15:30 - Personality types
· Yours and theirs - how can this impact on how you communicate and influence?
· The impact it has on how you and they behave

16:00 - Action planning

· Key actions and priorities to implement when you return to your workplace
· What will you do differently?

16:30 - End of masterclass

Negotiating with Trade Unions

£ 495 VAT inc.