Neish Training

  • In Glasgow City

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It is now widely acknowledged that valuing diversity better enables organisations to meet their full business and social potential. However, we know that taking equal opportunities from paper policies to practical reality can be a challenging task!At Neish Training we are committed to anti-racist, anti-oppressive ways of working and to making equity a reality.We work with an organisation's most important and valuable resource - its people. Our training courses and workshops encourage participants to consider the implications of power inequalities and the effects on individuals, to actively challenge racism and all discriminatory treatment and to create an environment where diversity is valued. Our personal development programmes empower participants to fulfil their potential and become more effective with less stress!In addition we work with Jane Elliott, the internationally acclaimed diversity champion, organising public and in-house 'Anatomy of Prejudice' Seminars, development courses for Trainers and most recently here in the U.K. filmed her in the award winning video 'Eye Opener'.

Neish Training