
In London

£ 325 + VAT


  • Type


  • Location


  • Duration

    12 Weeks

This course will give you a good grounding in how news and features are put together plus valuable feedback on the pieces that you write. If you are thinking of working in print journalism, this course will give you a good opportunity to discover if you would really enjoy it - and whether you can do it - before you give up your existing career.



Start date

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Maida Vale, W9 2BT

Start date

On request

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Teachers and trainers (1)

Tony Padman

Tony Padman


Course programme

News and Feature

A five week Saturday course providing an introduction to news and features journalism.

The classes will begin at 9.30am until 4.00pm.

At the end of the course, students will have a further seven weeks to complete their assignments, during which time they can contact the tutor for any advice they may need. Students then email or post the assignments to the School for marking. The Saturday course is particularly suitable for those who may have difficulty getting to the Wednesday evening class for 6.30pm.

Week 1: Introduction, who are you and how I became a journalist, course aims, tools of the trade, syllabus, brief on assignments, UK newspaper market, what makes news, where to find news stories, diary/off diary, short interviews, puff pieces

Week 2:
News intros, the 5 Ws, inverted pyramid, balance, padding, who to quote and what to ask, good vs bad reporting, developing a nose for news, research, making the story stand up, news values, finding the facts, fact checking

Week 3:
News structure, copy tasting, dealing with the police, council and press officers, news in brief, writing to length and to deadline, news and conferences, thinking on your feet, editing, avoiding hype and advertising in news

Week 4:
News vs features, what are features, timings, intros, endings, key quotes, hooks, features conferences, scene setting, finding the right subject, listening skills, meeting the brief, arranging the interview, controlling the interview

Week 5:
Short features, putting your questions together and in the right order, difficult interviewees, killer questions, getting your subject to open up, body language, vox pops, law, libel, PCC, the courts, course review, Q&A, future options

Journalism and Newswriting (London School of Journalism 2009) (cost included in course fees)

News and Features

£ 325 + VAT