

Price on request


  • Type


  • Methodology

    Distance Learning

  • Duration

    9 Months

This course will help you develop techniques.

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Course programme

Novel Writing

No. of lessons 14
No. of exercises 26
Average duration 9-15 months

A good novelist offers the reader a story in which events and actions have logical but unpredictable consequences, and which will eventually lead to a satisfying conclusion, but which also give the reader some surprises along the way. This course will help you develop the techniques needed to achieve this.

A novelist needs motivation to write, and many published novelists write not only to earn money but also because they have something to say. You may wish to bring a specific situation or issue to the attention of your readers, or to put your own opinions on record, or to expose injustice. Or maybe you hope to write good stories which have no particular message for the world, but which will give your readers satisfaction and pleasure.

Almost all published novels tell some kind of story, and usually they offer the reader a conclusion which is satisfying in some way, even if it is not hopeful, happy or particularly neat. If you wish to become a published novelist, you should not end a novel in such a way that the reader is left wondering if you did not know how to round it off - or if you simply ran out of things to say.

The work done during this course, and the knowledge and understanding which you gain from your tutor, will set you on the right road to being a successful writer - plotting and dialogue, making your characters believable, understanding narrative, all of these are areas of writing capable of being improved by practice and skilled teaching.

If you have finished the course before completing your novel, and you wish to continue working with your tutor, you can buy 'extensions' to the course which allow you to continue by submitting additional chapters to your tutor. Extensions can be purchased to cover either 5 or 10 chapters, and the process can be continued until your novel is finished.

To see a detailed list of the topics covered, look at thesyllabus below.

Course Syllabus

Lesson 1 - Being a novelist
The job of a novelist. Choosing a title. Synopsis or outline.

Lesson 2 - Plots
When is an idea a plot and when not? Do novels need plots? Structure - openings, turning points and endings. Satisfying your readers.

Lesson 3 - Characterisation
Heroes and villains. Make your readers care. Show not tell. What motivates your characters? The right names.

Lesson 4 - Dialogue
Believable dialogue - what the reader needs to know. Dialogue in fiction and dialogue in real life.

Lesson 5 - Viewpoint
Looking at viewpoints - and the advantage or disadvantage of each. Making the right choice.

Lesson 6 - Structure
Creating the balance of your narrative - chapters and sections. Atmosphere and using the senses.

Lesson 7 - Opening
Strong openings and hooking your reader. Creating openings that work.

Lesson 8 - Dramatisation
Make your style fit the story. Create drama - and hold the readers attention. Making your readers identify with your characters.

Lesson 9 - Themes
Is your novel about something? The importance of a theme and how it can help the consistency of your writing.

Lesson 10 - Middles
Mid-term blues - avoiding the doldrums.

Lesson 11 - Motivation
How to stay motivated.

Lesson 12 - Reaching your readers
What will your readers expect? Writers groups and writing 'buddies'.

Lesson 13 - Endings
Writing a good ending. Satisfying your reader.

Lesson 14 - Conclusions
Agents and publishers. Covering letters. What to say and how to say it.

Additional information

Payment options: Distance learning by post; UK residents £365.00 Distance learning by post; Non UK residents £385.00 Distance learning by email £345.00

Novel Writing

Price on request