Piano - Individual Tuition

Private lessons

In London

Price on request


  • Type

    Private lessons

  • Location


  • Duration

    10 Weeks

As wide a repertoire of different styles of piano music as possible to suit the student's tastes and needs. Keyboard harmony and improvisation if student is interested in this aspect. Suitable for: Beginners to Grade 8+.



Start date

See map
44 Crowndale Road, NW1 1TR

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Piano - Individual Tuition

Who is this course for?
Beginners to Grade 8+.

What previous knowledge/experience are required?
None - but any previous knowledge would be an advantage.

What is the level of the course?
Any level as these are individual lessons.

What will the course cover and what can I expect to do by the end of it?
As wide a repertoire of different styles of piano music as possible to suit the student's tastes and needs. Keyboard harmony and improvisation if student is interested in this aspect.

What teaching and learning methods will be used on the course?
One-to-one tuition, sight reading and harmony exercises.

How will we assess your progress on the course?
Recordings of playing at beginning and end of term. Lesson observations, weekly assessment of each lesson.

What type of qualification will passing this course give me?
Piano exams from Grade 1 - 8 can be taken in any term if student wishes to take them.

What extra study/practice do we expect you to do outside the class?
Students are expected to practice regularly.

What can I do after completing this course?
Continual progress or to more advanced courses.

Are there any other costs? (e.g. materials, equipment or books I need to buy before or during the course)
A piano or a reasonable digital piano with pedal. Manuscript paper and notebook.

Are there any other requirements?
You are required to attend every lesson on time.

Piano - Individual Tuition

Price on request