Pottery - Taster Session


In London

Price on request


  • Type


  • Location


  • Class hours




Start date

See map
140 Lewisham Way, SE14 6PD

Start date

On request

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Course programme

Pottery - Taster Session

These are short, two hour, sessions run once a month on Thursdays (7-9pm) when you have opportunity to meet with Nina and 'have a go' on the potter's wheel and find if you'd like to commit more time. You are welcome to come with friends, making it an evening out, but please ensure that you pre-book.

The Location

The grade II listed Carnegie building is Edwardian Baroque based on the Classical Renaissance style. From the entrance a wide corridor with plaster vaulted ceiling leads to the ground floor. A massive marble staircase leads to the first floor, which has a glazed barrel-vaulted ceiling. An artists Co Operative who rent studio space currently occupy the building. It has a gallery, which is open Wednesday to Sunday, with an ongoing programme of exhibitions.

Additional information

Payment options: £20 (This includes £5 for materials – clay and glazes for two small pots)

Pottery - Taster Session

Price on request