
In New York City (USA)

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    New york city (USA)

In this course you will learn about: Comparative Jurisprudence and
Constitutional Crises on Campus.



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New York City (USA)
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  • IT Law
  • Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Government
  • Legal Secretary
  • Legal functions
  • Attorney
  • Legal Theory
  • Philosophy
  • Elite institutions

Course programme

Comparative JurisprudenceJurisprudence, at its core, is the study of legal theory. Fundamentally, however, what is "law?" By studying alternative constitutional systems, what can we learn about the legal foundations of various governments and societies? What influence has legal theory had on the development of very different government structures, and how do different governments grapple with constitutional controversy? This course is designed to explore the basic foundational principles that make up the study of legal theory. It begins by studying the core schools of thought, including natural law, legal positivism, and legal realism. The course then uses these basic concepts to explore and understand the greater development of fundamental, constitutional law and theory within different legal systems in different countries. By comparing various constitution and government structures, using basic legal philosophy as a guide, students will gain a valuable base understanding of the development and execution of legal thought within different societies.
Constitutional Crises on Campus: Constitutional Law through the Lens of Higher EducationThe intricacies of the most controversial aspects of the American Constitution play out daily on college campuses across the country. Who gets admitted to elite institutions, and what factors should they consider? Faculties have tenure to protect their right to challenge conventional wisdom, but what exactly does Academic Freedom protect? Students have the right to free speech, or do they? Can a college censor a student newspaper? If a student is disciplined on campus, do they have a right to an attorney? Do students have a property interest in their education that can cost over $100,000? How does the law treat private and public institutions differently? This course is designed to explore the most controversial of constitutional topics including the First Amendment right to free speech, the Fifth Amendment's takings clause, the Sixth Amendment right to counsel, and the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of equal protection, procedural due process and substantive due process in regards to life, liberty, and property.


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