Principles of applied mathematics

Bachelor's degree

In Maynard (USA)

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  • Type

    Bachelor's degree

  • Location

    Maynard (USA)

  • Start date

    Different dates available

18.311 Principles of Continuum Applied Mathematics covers fundamental concepts in continuous applied mathematics, including applications from traffic flow, fluids, elasticity, granular flows, etc. The class also covers continuum limit; conservation laws, quasi-equilibrium; kinematic waves; characteristics, simple waves, shocks; diffusion (linear and nonlinear); numerical solution of wave equations; finite differences, consistency, stability; discrete and fast Fourier transforms; spectral methods; transforms and series (Fourier, Laplace). Additional topics may include sonic booms, Mach cone, caustics, lattices, dispersion, and group velocity.



Start date

Maynard (USA)
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  • GCSE Mathematics
  • Conservation
  • Mathematics
  • Credit

Course programme

Lectures: 3 lectures / week, 1 hour / lecture

The prerequisites for the course are 18.02 Multivariable Calculus and 18.03 Differential Equations.

18.311 Principles of Continuum Applied Mathematics covers fundamental concepts in continuous applied mathematics, including applications from traffic flow, fluids, elasticity, granular flows, etc. The class also covers continuum limit; conservation laws, quasi-equilibrium; kinematic waves; characteristics, simple waves, shocks; diffusion (linear and nonlinear); numerical solution of wave equations; finite differences, consistency, stability; discrete and fast Fourier transforms; spectral methods; transforms and series (Fourier, Laplace). Additional topics may include sonic booms, Mach cone, caustics, lattices, dispersion, and group velocity. Uses MATLAB® computing environment.

The material in the course is spread out over several books, listed here. Class notes for some topics are also available in the Lecture Notes.

There will be about one problem set per week (8 total). Each problem set will have two parts, "regular" and "special." The Teaching Assistant (TA) will grade the regular problems and the instructor the special ones.

The TA will grade a few problems in each set, selected randomly; answers will be provided for all. Please, do all the problems; this is the only way to really learn the course material [besides: If you just happen to miss the ones picked, you will get no credit, even if you did all the others]. The reason for this policy is that I would rather have the TA grade well a few problems than attempt to grade all with "in-a-hurry" sort of grading. There will be stiff penalties for late homework.

I encourage you to collaborate and form study groups with other students. It is permitted to work and exchange information with other students, meaning: hints, general ideas, pitfalls to avoid and so on. You can learn a lot from other students, and vice versa. This, however, has to be done within reason. For example: "let me see / copy the answer" is not within reason. You can also consult books, and other material available in the library, for information relevant to a problem you may have forgotten—but not to see if you can find the problem solution somewhere!

When you write your final answer, you must do so 100% alone, with full understanding of every dot that goes there. Even if you worked together with others, as explained above, the final writing of the answer should be done individually, and in your own words, not copying from a group master. This is the only way that you can be sure that you actually understood everything that goes into the problem answer. You will be held responsible for everything that is in your answers, and the instructor reserves the right to call you for an explanation of your answer. Specifically: You may be asked to do a problem (or part of it) again, in front of the instructor, and to explain your steps. If this process indicates that you do not understand your own answer, you may lose up to all the credit for the entire problem set, depending on how severe the situation is. Note that a few (randomly selected) students may be called up to explain their answers, as a way of gauging how well the class is following the material.

The keyword is: "Reasonable". Reasonable actions are allowed. Reasonable is defined in terms of the purpose. For example: An assigned problem is aimed at both:

If an action defeats any of these aims, it is not reasonable. Searching for the answers somewhere defeats both purposes. Hence searching the Internet, libraries, bookstores, whatever, for answers to the problems is not allowed. If in doubt, ask the instructor. There may be billions of ways in which this policy (reasonable actions are allowed) can be defeated. I cannot list them, I do not even know them, but you should be able to judge on your own if something violates it.

PART I. Some Basic Topics in Nonlinear Waves

PART II. Numerical Solutions, Series, and Transforms

A few of these topics will be covered if time permits:

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Principles of applied mathematics

Price on request