Psychology and Culture


In Providence (USA)

£ 501-1000


  • Type


  • Location

    Providence (USA)

Course Information
Course Code: CEPY0802
Length: 2 weeks
Program Information

Summer@Brown for English Language Learners

A select group of non-credit courses in the liberal arts and sciences supplemented with English language learning, two weeks long, taught on Brown’s campus. For University-bound English language learners completing grades 9-12 by June 2020.




Start date

Providence (USA)
See map
Providence, RI 02912

Start date

On request

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  • English
  • Psychology
  • English Language

Course programme

Course Description

This course is designed specifically for English Language Learners interested in further developing their English skills in a challenging college-level academic setting.

How does culture influence the way we interact each other? Does Western psychology differ from Eastern psychology? What are implicit and explicit biases, and how do we recognize them? What does it mean to be in an inter-racial relationship? There are so many mundane questions that arise when we think about culture in psychology.

This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to general theories and methods related to culture and diversity. It will explore the ways in which psychology is socially constructed and how cultural traditions transform the human psyche.

The course will include didactic, experiential activities, reflective writing and critical analysis that are relevant to developing students’ self-awareness, understanding about how culture may influence our behavior, and skills across relevant areas of professional and personal practice in the context of psychological science.

The course is meant to stimulate an ongoing discussion and self- exploration on issues in multicultural psychology such as: identity development, acculturation, racism and prejudice, heterosexism, white privilege, and cultural stigma.

Students will:
- Develop self-awareness to personal biases that influence one’s behavior and attitudes in intercultural contexts
- Enhance your understanding about cultural differences and how culture influences human behavior
- Identify the range of mental health outcomes associated with culture
- Provide information for those considering a career in multicultural psychology and/or relevant fields
- Promote cultural competence and empathy to one’s culture and others’ cultures and beliefs

Prerequisites: None

Psychology and Culture

£ 501-1000