Science of Mind London

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Science of Mind is a teaching, or a way of life, which explores and focuses on spiritual truths that weave their way through the greatest philosophies and religions of the world. One of these threads tells us that it is done unto us as we believe, and so by changing our thinking, we can change our life.

Our teaching is based on that immutable universal law – the Law of Circulation which, simply put, says that what we put out, we get back. We know we are surrounded by and immersed in one Infinite Presence through which all things are possible. Knowing this at the intellectual level is not enough, however. We need to embody it and we do this by changing our thoughts and realigning them with the principles of Truth.

Our global heart vision is for a world that works for everyone … where poverty, hunger, homelessness, disenfranchisement and war no longer prevail; where forgiveness, compassion, nonviolence, respect, appreciation of beauty, and the generous sharing of resources are the norm.

But, as Gandhi said, we first need to be the change we want to see in the world. And that is what Science of Mind is all about – internal change.

Our Centre offers numerous classes, workshops and seminars to help effect individual change so that we experience a more fulfilling, healthier, happier and prosperous life.

Science of Mind London