Shepherd's Course

Scuola Euro Formation



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Original amount in EUR:

280 €


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The shepherd is the shepherd of the flock, also known as the sheep keeper, a rough and rude individual. The name sheep is reserved for the female adult, the male of the species is called ram (or even ram), while the baby is called lamb up to one year of age. The age of a sheep is determined by the degree of wear of the incisors, which, as in all bovids, are present exclusively in the mandible, while the jaw has a continuous bone formation in the corresponding area. Lambs have eight provisional milk teeth at birth. At one year the two frontal incisors are replaced by the permanent ones; at the age of two, two more permanent incisors are added and between 3-4 years the permanent dentition is completed to reach the eight definitive incisors around the fourth year of age. It is a mammal because it suckles its young, an artiodactyl because it has an even number of toes, a ruminant because it chews its food, a cavicorn because it has empty horns and a herbivore because it feeds only on herbs.



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Course programme

I MODULE: Who is the shepherd: professional figure with ancient origins dating back to the ancient populations II MODULE: What does the shepherd do and what does he do: guide and pasture of the sheep MODULE III: The breeding of sheep for the production of meat, cheese, milk and wool MODULE IV: The important role of lamb in many religions as in Christianity MODULE V: How much the shepherd earns from the production of sheep's wool. sheep products

Shepherd's Course

£ 239.92 VAT inc.

*Indicative price

Original amount in EUR:

280 €