Solar Sales Training

Reviews on Solar Sales Training

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25 years sales and sales training
Solar Sales Director and Manager experience

Advantages of studying here

No 1 solar sales training provider
Our training with show you how to succeed in solar pv sales.

Our Lead Solar Sales Trainer Tom Fletcher FInstSMM, ex Royal Air Force, and over 25 years has trained and managed over 600 sales people for multi billion corporations to the small companies setting up a solar business. Tom has successfully managed self employed and salaried sales teams [B2B/B2C] from Telecoms to Mailing Equipment and from Electricity Sales to Solar PV.

"When I first entered the solar markets before FITs; I had solar sales training that left me bewildered and uncomfortable about some of the technicalities of the PV System and totally lacking in sales direction and approach. The training was primarily on how the PV system works and came from an installer company. My training focuses on getting the sale and keeping the customer happy and not necessarily in that order. The sale becomes easier when you implement the training knowledge. It will be an eye opener to some. Once I cracked the market approach required, I was closing 3-4 pv solar sales a week and plenty in the pipeline. It is this knowledge thats key."

Areas of specialisation

Solar pv sales
solar pv lead generation
Solar Sales Training
Solar Sales Experts


Solar Sales Training for PV

For MCS Installers and sales people
For New entrants into solar pv sales

Anyone already in the solar photovoltaic [pv] markets, or anyone looking to enter the solar sales markets, will be more successful with training that equips them with the skills and knowledge to sell more solar panels. We can provide that training. It is an exciting time for solar pv panel sales and it makes sound financial sense to the buyer.

Our solar sales training is also perfect for the over 50s looking to find a positive move in the solar energy job market. Doing something that helps the solar panel buyer become greener, have a healthy return on investment, provide 'free' electricity and many more benefits can't be a bad thing. Remember solar panels generate from daylight and produce electricity all year round.

The contents of our Solar Sales Training will provide more than sufficient knowledge, knowhow to enter the solar sales market and will provide essential tools to improve existing solar sales conversion rates. Our training will give you the edge over the competition and provide a renewed confidence in your sales approach.

Solar Sales Training