Who says we can't do it?



£ 899 + VAT


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  • Methodology

    Distance Learning

To inspire people to think positively and help them achieve virtually any goal.

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Course programme

The aim
To inspire people to think positively and help them achieve virtually any goal.

About the programme
The story of Lance Armstrong's recovery from cancer and subsequent multiple victories in the Tour de France is known worldwide. Now, you can use Lance's story to motivate and inspire your employees to face challenges, overcome obstacles and achieve new heights of success.

Lance Armstrong's story is available to you in this truly unique training/learning programme. It is a poignant, human, and compelling presentation that inspires people to think positively about achieving virtually any goal. This programme will work at any level of the organisation and for any topic. Whatever your objective, after people watch this film, the response will be "Who says we can't do it!"

The programme outlines the importance of goals, tactics, teamwork and leadership as critical elements of any successful undertaking. You will see how Lance recognizes and supports his team as a leader and how planning and tactics play a key role in success. The underlying message is that people have to work together and give their all to achieve goals - greatness cannot be achieved with half measures.

The key outcomes
-Understand the importance of teamwork
-Become better at setting and achieving goals
-Make the most of second chances
-Better understand your competition
-Learn that quitting is never an option

Programme includes:
DVD (20 mins - 14 minute short cut also available)
Workbook/Leaders Guide

Produced by Enterprise Media.

  • Introduction
  • Cancer
  • Lost and Found
  • Set Goals
  • Strategy
  • Teamwork Leadership
  • Execution

Who says we can't do it?

£ 899 + VAT