Triangle Sales Solutions

  • In Greater Manchester

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Triangle Sales Solutions have been established since December 2008 with the objective to help you increase your sales. With focus on three key areas, performance, productivity and profit. Triangle Sales Solutions help you and your business develop sales processes that are not driven on price but driven on solutions. Once the sales process has been established we then provide support you on the delivery.

Advantages of studying here

The main advantage with working with Triangle Sales Solutions is that we deliever real life solutions that can used by you and your business. As oppose to talking to you how we overcome objections or what open questions are, we delve deeper and show you the 'HOW' that is tailored to your business and marketplace. If you want short term results then opt for sales training, if you want long lasting results Triangle Sales Solutions can deliver.

Areas of specialisation

We specialise in Business to Business and Business to Consumer whether this it is field or telephone sales. We can offer solutions right through the customer spectrum for sales personnel, customer service representatives as back office staff.


Triangle Sales Solutions offer bespoke sales solution courses to individuals and businesses of all sizes. All courses are bespoke to the individual whether it is an open or a course tailored to your business. With strong emphasis on 'the sales process', We focus on your customer transition including customers buyng motives, signposting for a yes/no and eradicating those time wasters, question's that you need to ask to create the gap for your product, solution selling and maximising on the recommendation. We cannot emphasis enough that your experience with Triangle Sales Solutions will not only increase sales in the short term but also lay foundations your business moving forward. Whether you are a salesperson who needs not just the basics refreshed, a business owner who does not come from a sales background or a director of a business who is scratching their heads on how to increase sales, Triangle Sales Solutions have the experience and knowledge to make a difference.

Triangle Sales Solutions