UAB - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Màsters Oficials reviews

4.9 /5


Centre rating


Modelling for Science and Engineering

Former Student

What I would highlight: Before you enroll in the Masters I asked several friends and all professionals and I do recommend it to UAB. And the truth teas that right because I think the facilities are very good, I was able to study and develop perfectly well my job.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: January 2013
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Telecommunication Engineering

Former Student

What I would highlight: Being an engineer and specialize in this master always going to give you a professional career opportunity, personal and. And after studying the Master in Telecommunication Engineering I could, in the end, throw my own professional project.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: November 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Political Science

Enrico Pannico

What I would highlight: He has been a very exciting experience, there are always things to do and I've always had encouragement to learn research and learn more. The context is very active intellectually that come from peers as friends you meet in college.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: November 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Economics and Business Administration

Daniel Murillo

What I would highlight: I loved the young teacher that I had for 'Teoria del Jocs i les decisions'. I learned to practice and listening to the professionals attending the classes.
What could be improved: Some classes the education looks like a bit old style of teaching
Course taken: June 2008
Would you recommend this course?: Yes
*All reviews collected by Emagister & iAgora have been verified