4.5 /5


Centre rating


Master in Intelligent Interactive Systems

Elena Vöellmer

What I would highlight: Teachers are primarily concerned with what we can contribute from our perspective and always allow us the opportunity to participate in interactive dynamics between us and learn more.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: January 2016
Would you recommend this course?: No

Master in Current Democracies: Nationalism, Federalism and Multiculturalism

Marta Rodríguez

What I would highlight: It is the best public universities in Spain, this master is official, is in an excellent location in Barcelona and all teachers and classmates helped me a lot when I needed it.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: January 2016
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Master Degree in Specialized Economic Analysis

Cecilia Nardini

What I would highlight: This master of the UPF was recommended by my supervisor Bocconi University together with other friends who have gone through this program and the truth is that their reviews were very good. World-class university, the subjects are treated in depth. I came here to make a vocational training and it took me very little in applying to this master and the truth is I am very satisfied.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: January 2016
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Master in Brain and Cognition

Former Student

What I would highlight: One of the things that I liked UPF is that often works in trimesters. It is more stressful but it forces us to get in tune and work very hard from day one. And with this master is grateful to be so.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: January 2016
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

International Relations

Former Student

What I would highlight: The master has a very current and interesting teaching materials. It has given me an overview of the issues and international relations.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: October 2013
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Research in political sciences

Former Student

What I would highlight: This Master offers a wide range of job opportunities: Teaching at universities; work on political institutions and public authorities at national, regional, local and EU; consultancy firms or private sector study, assessment and management in NGOs.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: October 2013
Would you recommend this course?: No

Sociology and Demography

Former Student

What I would highlight: This Master will allow you to carry out analyzes and studies in sociology and demography to improve the conditions of society. You will form with highly qualified teachers and updated teaching materials and quality.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: September 2013
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Economics and Finance

Krystof Krotil

What I would highlight: Thanks to this master of the Barcelona GSE (UPF) I finished working on RBB Economics managing transaction data from the clients, analyzing switching and knowing and working data competition.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: November 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Political Philosophy

Former Student

What I would highlight: After studying political science this master has given me more elements for policy research and analysis organizations and public administrations.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: October 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Interdisciplinary with interactive cognitive systems and the media

Former Student

What I would highlight: Solid and coherent vision systems and interactive devices in the near future. It has a currently attached to the agenda, designed according to the priority research areas defined by the European Commission
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: October 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Biomedical research

Former Student

What I would highlight: It is aimed primarily at students who want to do a PhD in various fields of biomedicine. In fact, work to master is the starting point of the thesis.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: October 2012
Would you recommend this course?: No

Bioinformatics for health sciences. BIOINFO

Former Student

What I would highlight: One of the key elements to highlight is the high optional subjects, which enables training in a wide range of topics in bioinformatics in the biomedical environment, especially in computational techniques.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: October 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Master in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Toni Bassaganyas

What I would highlight: The Master in theoretical and applied linguistics UPF is a program that allows to acquire in one year the knowledge of the foundations of linguistics. A year is short to treat all fields as diverse discipline. This possible lack of time is supplied, on one hand, with the student's work (he is a demanding master) and the other with the high level of teachers and their proximity at all times with the students, which allows to take full match each subject. The UPF is very active in linguistics center and from the beginning the students have had the opportunity to participate in lectures, conferences and seminars. Between students and teachers dominated the international environment, with people of diverse origins and trajectories, which is very enriching academic and personal level. After a year, this master has allowed me to acquire the necessary basis to decide what are my interests and what steps should I take to work in the future.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: September 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes

Sound and music computing

Former Student

What I would highlight: It combines theory and practice in different materials and provides the scientific and technological background necessary to begin a career.
What could be improved: Nothing
Course taken: September 2012
Would you recommend this course?: Yes
*All reviews collected by Emagister & iAgora have been verified