Course not currently available

Website Design using Dreamweaver Intermediate


In Bridgwater ()

Price on request


  • Type


  • Duration

    10 Weeks

Suitable for those wishing extend their skills after the introduction course. You will have the opportunity to get advice on your own website and implement techniques taught in the class, on either your own website, or an in-class website.

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  • IT
  • Dreamweaver
  • Design

Course programme

You will learn more how you can use cascading styles to enhance your website including the layout You will understand the purpose of creating your own templates and their advanced features such as repeatable regions, as well as investigating existing Dreamweaver templates You will be able to create CSS image galleries and create interactive navigation menus using Dreamweaver spry elements You will have the opportunity of creating a shopping cart for your website using a PayPal feature You will be able to create forms that validate the users’ input to ensure sensible data entry You will have an understanding of JavaScript and how you can find free scripts to enhance your website You will have an understanding of ASP and why it might be used

Website Design using Dreamweaver Intermediate

Price on request