Which data storage to choose - from flat files, through SQL, NoSQL to massive distributed systems Training Course


In City Of London

Price on request


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    City of london

This course helps customer to chose the write data storage depend on their needs. It covers almost all possible modern approaches.



Start date

City Of London (London)
See map
Token House, 11-12 Tokenhouse Yard, EC2R 7AS

Start date

On request

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  • Systems
  • SQL

Course programme

  1. File Document Storage (Cloud Storage)
    1. Features (OCR, Scalaibility, Search, etc...)
    2. Open Source examples (e.g. Next Cloud)
    3. Some commercial examples
  2. Flat file storage
    1. XML databases
    2. CSV databases
  3. Relational databases
    1. Normalization
    2. Dependencies and Constrants
    3. Scalability - replications, clusters
    4. Open Source and commercial software (MySQL, PostrgreSQL, DM7, Oracle, etc..)
  4. NoSQL Storage
    1. Document Oriented Databases (MongoDB, CouchDB etc...)
    2. Column Orientation (Canadra, Scylla etc...)
    3. Search Orientation (Elasticsearch...
  5. NewSQL
    1. CAP Theorem
    2. Opensource software (SequoiaDB, etc...)
  6. Search Engines
    1. Features (text processing, relevancy, etc...)
    2. Open Source examples
    3. Scalability, High Availability, Load Balacing, etc....
  7. Traditional Datawherehouses
    1. Business Inteligence, OLTP and Datawherehouse
    2. Opensource and commercial solutions
  8. MapReduce and Distributed Parallel Processing
    1. Hadoop-like (Hive, HFS, Impala)
  9. Distributed filesystem
    1. Overview of opensource (Ceph etc...)
  10. In-memory Databases
    1. Opensource solution (e.g. ApacheIgnite)
  11. Others
    1. Hypertable (Google Bigtable)
    2. BigQuery
    3. AWS solutsion (S3, etc...)
  12. Beyond present - future trends

Which data storage to choose - from flat files, through SQL, NoSQL to massive distributed systems Training Course

Price on request