Yes lives in the land of No



£ 399 + VAT


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  • Methodology

    Distance Learning

To help people understand and overcome the sources of negativity in their lives.

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Course programme

The aim
To help people understand and overcome the sources of negativity in their lives.

About the programme
It's no secret that we live in a world full of negativity. It often seems as though everywhere we turn, we're confronted by difficult, negative people, with their shaking heads, closed doors, brush-offs, and put-downs. Negativity surrounds us - in our workplaces, in our communities, in government, in schools, and even within our families.
But that's only half the story... Sometimes, it's our own negativity that stands between us and success. Our pessimistic thinking, apathy, and over-cautiousness can be bigger barriers than everyone else's negativity combined! It often seems that trying to find happiness and success in an endless landscape of negativity is just too hard. If this sounds familiar, help has arrived! Understanding the sources of negativity - both our own and others' - is essential for people to work together effectively.

This training programme is designed to help workshop participants develop skills for their own journeys in the Land of NO - overcoming people's resistance, roadblocks, and rebuffs.

The programme provides simple, 'how-to' teaching that is both practical and entertaining. It will help participants deal with negativity faster, more effectively, and with a lot less discouragement and despair.

The key outcomes
-Understand the sources of negativity in your life
-Equips people with skills necessary to overcome negativity from within and from others
-Increases positivity and success in the workplace

Programme includes:
Facilitator Guide (38 pages)
1 Set of 8 Handouts
1 "Survivor" game
1 CD with handouts
Game & Leader guide

Produced by StarThrower.

Yes lives in the land of No

£ 399 + VAT