York St John University reviews

4.7 /5


Centre rating



What I would highlight: I had a great experience in all.
What could be improved: I loved it.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: I experienced with the language was just getting used to the very special dialect. After a few weeks it was no problem.
What could be improved: Great course.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: I enjoyed a lot, thanks for everything.
What could be improved: Everything was OK.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: It was all good, thanks for the same.
What could be improved: Everything was great.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: It before signing the leasedo not hesitate to talk to people of the administration when you have a request, they are really friendly and helpful in any case. take advantage of the computer room open 24/7 to do ur essays and reportsUse Ryanair if you can to travel there.
What could be improved: Great course.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: the most important thing is to meet with a lot of British people, watch local TV and especially listen to the radio. It was a good experience in all, thanks a lot.
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: On week ends we visited the country side or went shopping at Trafford center. I had a great time in all, thanks for the same.
What could be improved: I loved it.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: As a student I would live again in a hall of residence.perfect experience. Would like live there for a longer period of time.
What could be improved: Great course.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: London is way too expensive, be prepared for it.
What could be improved: I loved it.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: I can also recommend Matts and Phreds which is a great Jazz-Club with live music. Don't miss the clubs on the Canal Street.
What could be improved: Everything was great.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: When you want your peace and quiet, you go to your room. In a hall of residence chances are that it'll be loud and noisy all the time.As an Erasmus student, I was sent material about my possibilites beforehand. The Manchester Metropolitan University, the MET, organises this pretty well, and if it's your first long-term stay abroad, you may be grateful for this help. You can also just go to Manchester.
What could be improved: Everything was OK.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: It was a great learning experience, thanks a lot. I enjoyed a lot and learned at the same time.
What could be improved: I can't say nothing.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: It was really difficult to integrate ourselves in the university. I had a good time in all, thanks for the same.
What could be improved: Everything was great.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: I had a great time and they offered great experience, I enjoyed a lot.
What could be improved: Everything was OK.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: You only live once thanks for it, I had a great time.
What could be improved: Great course.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: They are very kind with foreign students.Better if one has arranged almost everything from home, since I was there a bit lost until I could find my place. Thanks for the same.
What could be improved: Everything was OK.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: Thanks for everything.
What could be improved: Great course.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: I had a great learning experience, being a native speaker I enjoyed.
What could be improved: Nothing.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: If you have to come back on campus at the end of the night out, the last train is at 23:30. People are nice here, thanks for the same.
What could be improved: I can't say nothing.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes


What I would highlight: It was expensive, be prepared for the same.
What could be improved: I loved it.
Course taken: October 2018
Would you recommend this centre?: yes
*All reviews collected by Emagister & iAgora have been verified